our April Salon we will bring back one of our favorite human rights
films, Murder on a Sunday Morning, which we first showed in 2006.
Winner of the 2002 Academy Award for Best Documentary Film, Murder on a
Sunday Morning tells the story of a 15-year-old African-American boy
who is arrested and put on trial for the murder of a Florida tourist –
even though the only thing he appears to be guilty of is being an
African-American male walking near the neighborhood where the crime
happened. The one piece of luck the young man has is that he is
assigned a particularly sharp, determined, and committed public
defender as his lawyer – and the story of how they take on a "justice"
system with injustice at every level makes for suspenseful and often
jaw-dropping watching. To repeat what we have said before about the
film, regardless of what you think you know about the racism in the US,
this film will both shock and uplift you.